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Land: The College has separate campus for J.R. Sharma Girl’s T.T. College, Jhadol (Ph.)
Total Area: 7896.758 sq. mts.
Nature of Land Holding: Private
Campus share with other Cources: No
Constructed Area: 45000 sq. ft.

The land is registered in the name of : J.R. Sharma Girl’s T.T. College, Jhadol (Ph.)

Building: The college has its own campus and building.

  • Built-up area of College: 38252.24 sq. ft. As per NCTE Norms
  • Revenue village of the land: Jhadol (Ph.) Udaipur
  • Whether land is free from all Encumbrances  : Yes
  • Construction of the building Completed on : 15 July 2006


Type of College: Women’s College
Management of the college/ Institution: Self financed Institution (Private)
Is your institution or its managing society / Body registered : Yes,
If  yes,  specify the Act under which registered : Rajasthan Registration Act 1958
Teacher Education Programs offered by Institution with Annual Intake : 100

S No. Course Name Application Id Recognition Order No. Recognition Date of NCTE Duration of Programme Annual Intake Affiliation / Examining Body First Affiliation Session
1 B.Ed. B.Ed. 7213 1.9.06 2 Years 100 M.L.S.U. Udaipur 2006-07

Teaching Faculty Details :

Dr. Devendra Singh Rathore
S.No. Teacher ID Designation
1. Dr. Jaishree Rawal Principal
2. Dr. Satish Joshi Guest Faculty
3.Dr. Devendra Singh Rathore Guest Faculty
4. Harsha Rani Rawal Lecturer
5. Sharad Kumar Parik Lecturer
6. Prabhu Lal Meghwal Lecturer
7. Aruna Trivedi Lecturer
8. Swaraj Sarupriya Lecturer
9. Sunita Suthar Lecturer
10. Shyam Pratap Singh Lecturer
11. Devendra Singh Rathore Ad- hoc     
10. Kamlesh Ameta     Permanent
11. Mehendra Meghwal    Permanent
12 Vacant
13 Vacant
14 Vacant

Total Number of Non-Teaching Staff Details




Total Books 7000
Area of Reading Room (Sq. Mts.) 1441.00 sq. ft.
Total Seating Capacity 50
Total number of Titles of Teacher’s Education 465
Total number of Books of Teacher’s Education 4451
Total number of Journals 20
Number of Encyclopedias available in the Library Two

Educational Technology

(Area of Lab in Sq. Mts.) 310.75sq. ft.
Total number of Computer 12
Internet Access Yes
Local Area Network (LAN) No
Availability of LCD Projector Yes
Availability of OHP Yes
Availability of TV Yes
Availability of VCR / DVD Yes

Psychological Laboratory

Name of Test Name of Apparatus
1.  General Mental Ability Test (GMAT) – Dr. (Mrs.) Rama Tiwari and Dr. Roma Pal    
2.  Children’s Personality Questionnaire (CPQ) – Rutherford B. Porer, Ed. D. & Raymond B. Cattell and IPAT Staff  
3.  Verbal Test of Creative Thinking (TCW) – Baqer Mehdi.  
4.  Problem Solving Ability Test ( PSAT) –  L.N.  Dubey.    
5.  Emotional Maturity Scale (EMS) – Dr. Yashvir Singh & Dr. Mahesh Bhargava.  
6.  Level of Aspiration Measure.
– Dr. Mahesh Bhargawa & Prof. M.R. Shah.
 Learning by Mirror Drawing.  
7.  Passi – Usha Test of Creative Problem solving. – B.K. Passi & Usha Kumar Bhatia Bettery
8. Educational Interest Record. – Dr. S.P. Kulshrestha.  
9.  Vocational Interest Record. – Dr. S.P. Kulshrestha.  
10. High School Personality Questionnaire. (HSPQ) – Biblio Graphic Supplement.  
11. Multidimensional Personality Inventory – K.M. Manju Agrawal.  
12. Mixed Type group Test of Intelligence – Dr. P.N. Mehrotra  
13. Pramila Group Test of Intelligence – Pramila Ahuja  

Science Laboratory

Area of Lab in ( Sq. Mts.) 1. 1547.10 sq. ft.
(i) Physical Science  
Name of Experiments. 1. Cell / Experiments.
2. Kg. / Weight Balance – 1
3. Physical Balance 3 parts with Additional Materials.
4. Ohm’s Law, Pb – Cell. Meter circuits, Rh – Meter circuits.
5. Thermodynamics Globes, glass prism, magnets, models of A/c motors, Dc. Motors, Ampere meter, GL / Meter set etc.
Name of Charts & Models 1. Food Chain
2. Electric Bulb
3. Prism Model
4 Telescope
5. Lead Secondary Cell
6. Animal Cell
7. Driving the Vehicle the Gas Kit.
8. Connection of Resistance in series and parallel.
9. Electro Magnetic Effect
10. Liner Expansion of Solid
11. Electric Magnet
12. Reflection of Light.
13. Chart of Ameter and Volt meter.
14. Prism model
15. Identification of conductor & Bad conductor through electric circuit.

(ii) Biological Science

Name of Experiments 1. Growth Meters arch Indicator / Ganong’s Potometer -2
2. Compound Microscopes – 9
3. Slides / 150
4. Class work materials / Slides 200
5. Simple / Dissection Microscopes’ – 5
6. Slide projector Machine – 1
Name of Charts. 1. Typical Plant Cell.
2. Genetic Urinary Organs.
3. Heart
4. Blood Circulation
5. Respiratory System
6. Kidney Skin & Excretory Organs.
Name of Models. 1. Meiosis – Cell division Zoology (30)
2. Dissection Trays (15)
3. Cell , Cell Division.
4. Heart / Parts / Section
5. Anatomy of Body
6. Eye / Section.
7. Various Specimen of Botany (20)
8. Meiosis – Cell division.

Language Laboratory

Area of Lab in ( Sq. Mts.) 351.10 sq. ft.
Name of Equipments Nil
Name of Charts Sanskrit
1. Pratyay Gyanam
2. Masheshwar Sutrani
3. Uchharansthanani

1. Vishleshan Chart
2. Anekartha Shabda
3. Opposite Word Chart
4. Nouns and its types
5. Synonyms Chart
6. Picture Chart based on story

Model 1. Puzzle – Games
2. Word cards
Games and Sports facilities  
Name of Indoor Games Carrom, Chess
Area for indoor games (Sq. Mts)  15’ x 25’
Area of the Outdoor Games Football, Valley Ball, Kabaddi, Cricket, Badminton, Kho-kho.
Area for Outdoor Games (Sq.Mts.) 21527.82 Sq. ft.

Arts and Craft Resource Centre

Name and Number of Instruments Map Tracing Table
Name of Charts 1. Map of Udaipur City
2. Traced Map of Rajasthan Road ways.
3. Sun Eclipse & Moon Eclipse
4. Solar System
5. Traced map of Jhadol Tehsil.
6. Relief Features of India
7. National Highways in Rajasthan.
Name of Models Globe.Rain water conservationMap Tracing Table
Health and Physical Resource Centre 1. Cricket Kit
2. Football Net and Ball
3. Chess
4. Ring – 8
5. Volley Ball Net and Ball
6. Badminton Racket, Coke and Net
7. Shot put
8. Discuss Throw
9. Knee – Cap
10. Carom Board
Name of Instruments Nil
Name of Charts Nil

Mathematics Resource Centre

Name of Charts & Models  
  1 Area of Circle
2. Area of radius sector
3. Solution of Linear equation by graph.
4. Surface area of Cylinder
5. Area of Four wall of a room.
6. Field Book.
7. Model of D- Protector
8. Angles & their Measure
9. Area of Cricket field
10. Area of different geometrical shape.
11. Area of Trapewzium.
12. Model of Triangle
13. Area of Circle
14. To derive the formula of four wall of a room.
15. Model of Equilateral Triangle